Pre Teen Nudity What Are Some Good Scary Movies That Are Rated PG-13 And Lack Nudity And Really Gory Violence?

What are some good scary movies that are rated PG-13 and lack nudity and really gory violence? - pre teen nudity

I am a nanny for three children, pre-teens and loves movies Scarry. I want to take some movies with me when I look. I do not like hard to find: PG-13 movies. I show signs and they loved him. Is there a movie, the PG-13, and the lack of nudity and violance Gorey?


♥ SK ♥ said...

The Ring
The Grudge
Stay Alive
Final Destination

Edit: Well, maybe not the final goal, but the other is a good thing for the children of their age who do not want that blood would be.

Nicole said...

This could be PG 13 or 14, but are not really important.
to try to see I Am Legend with Will Smith in it, good.
There is no nudity.
No blood or blood (or very little ... I think it is a minor injury or 2)
I have seen is very good. At my school has 12 years left in his class.
If u havent seen them for a cure for cancer is that each of the vaccine against the disease does mutate into zombies, and finally, that things can only go out at night or in the dark. Remove all but a scientist is all the more because he is immune.
It was "afraid" of parts, but no blood or death or anything.
I think only one person has died (but they are not shown) and died a dog.

It is scary without gore, and has a story.

XO-sunsh... said...

When a Stranger Calls is very good. No sex or nudity, and no blood or violence. In addition, they have a nanny, and she is! Then he relates.

Here, check this out.
Possesses the qualifications of all things that you have ordered. Please check it out alone. It is really good for movies looking for small children. I am 15 years old, so all good! I saw when I was 13!

PS-side displays of violence and Gore is sorta high, but I swear it was not. No blood. However, you will see 2 body, but not so bad. You can close your eyes, but I'm sure he does not care, because the body does not Gorey. And do not scare us. Just turn first with the parents. Good luck! Xo

Not hooked on twilight <3 said...

Disturbia is nudity in a little something terribly wrong, but first look, you can not see what's on television that children in secret, you know, what to see.

The ring was a wonderful horror movie, but good. Stained About the film when it was seen 7 days, when you take care of someone else so everything The Ring 2, respectively. Quite different. I think they were as PG-13.

A missed call. Good movie.

monochro... said...

You should check with parents to ensure that the film is in good health. But I recommend Disturbia (no nudity, death), Red Eye (great film, no nudity, some gore) and When a Stranger Calls (no nudity), without a doubt a thriller. Enjoy =]

monochro... said...

You should check with parents to ensure that the film is in good health. But I recommend Disturbia (no nudity, death), Red Eye (great film, no nudity, some gore) and When a Stranger Calls (no nudity), without a doubt a thriller. Enjoy =]

DeniseG said...

If you liked the characters, how people can too. I do not see any nudity in it. It's the same director.

Unfortunately, most horror movies these days are much gore and violence.

Boo <3 said...


Here are some of the best of the fear, to my knowledge

Scary Movie 1, 2 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
The ring
When a Stranger Calls

Hope this helps:) xxxx

Boo <3 said...


Here are some of the best of the fear, to my knowledge

Scary Movie 1, 2 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
The ring
When a Stranger Calls

Hope this helps:) xxxx

Boo <3 said...


Here are some of the best of the fear, to my knowledge

Scary Movie 1, 2 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
The ring
When a Stranger Calls

Hope this helps:) xxxx

success_... said...

1408 was pretty good.

Stick to the classics (the younger children have not yet seen), and psychological thrillers.

What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
Rosemary's Baby
The Omen
The Ring

Allie [wants to cry] said...

A missed call and Disturbia!

Shelby said...

Try Jaws. Or white noise. O When a Stranger Calls. Unless care so it is not really a good idea.

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