Cactus Pots Why Does An Outdoor Cactus Planted In The Ground Need More Watering Than An Indoor Cactus Planted In Pots?

Why does an outdoor cactus planted in the ground need more watering than an indoor cactus planted in pots? - cactus pots

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UNITool said...

2 reasons - first, is in the open air, the water is not in the area around the root system of cacti, such as the boat that is filtered away. Secondly, the fresh air, the water will evaporate much faster progress.

colbuck8... said...

Depending on soil type. But in reality, the cactus outside should require less irrigation. It can take years in the desert covered with rain.

Is your outdoor soil is very thin, as in the forefront of hard rock and old country road, or really hard? Can you dig a few feet or just a few inches? If you can dig, or around the cactuses and sand to put in extra time, if the ground is too hard.

just me said...

I know it! Outside air is drier than the inside out?

Hazel said...

Direct sunlight

Hazel said...

Direct sunlight

fonzatoz 69 said...

because they can retain water much better and better indoor plants in their pots for outdoor plants can with all that evaporates the soil around them and the competition from other plants, not to mention the direct light of sunshine, humidity, all

ignoramu... said...

Exposure to the sun?

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