Can a 17 year old hold Power of Attorney for her military boyfriend? - power of attorney boyfriend deployed switch to girlfriend
My friend goes to the AIT and possibly more. Can a proxy for him?
Power Of Attorney Boyfriend Deployed Switch To Girlfriend Can A 17 Year Old Hold Power Of Attorney For Her Military Boyfriend?
4:40 PM
No - the power in the hands of a person older than young adults. Even if I could, the very military type, to dissuade someone from a proxy, let alone someone who is not married.
No, if your family is fighting it. They have no blood on her boyfriend. It depends on where they live. Just kidding. Might be able to wish you a legal document or marriage will be as a last resort. When my friend died in January, there was a huge dispute between Mom and Dad. The mother had married she wanted to keep the material from family members, because the courts only see him as a friend.
No ... You must be at least 18 years. With the power of their actions that they need to enter into government contracts at the request of her friend, and minors (persons under 18 years) I can not (when) in the name of another person.
No, you have a legal adult. You can put the name of a parent temporarily, or wait until you are 18 years old.
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